Exclusive, explosive breaking reports from the
patriot Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years
Saturday October 5, 2019
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Nazi Bush-Clinton-CIA Crime Cartel aka 'Deep State'
UNITED States of America - It can now be inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee has appointed current Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), along with former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), as Joint Speakers of the House of Representatives with 80% of the TREASONOUS U.S. Congress now under house arrest.
Current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), along with CIA asset Congressman Erik Swalwell (D-CA) and now fingered pedophile Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), along with closet homosexual U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Bain Capital stooge U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), have been placed in dog cages and will soon be transported to Gitmo Bay where they will face U.S. Military Tribunal trial and, upon conviction, U.S. Military Tribunal execution.
Note: One must remember that great anti-war American Patriot Dennis Kuccinich presented puppet Speaker of the House Pelosi with ‘smoking gun’ evidence of TREASON in the year 2007 that not only would have lead to George W. BushFRAUD’s impeachment but his immediate arrest and execution by the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Pelosi covered up for BushFRAUD after making a deal with the CIA to protect BushFRAUD in return to allowing Bush Crime Family employee Hillary Clinton to become the next president.
Puppet Pelosi then in 2008 blackmailed her entire Democratic Party in voting for the crooked junior BushFRAUD ‘bank bail out’ using $4.5 TRILLION of STOLEN U.S. Treasury Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds as the vehicle to ‘bail out’ the crooked banks.
Yes, Pelosi you do belong in a dog cage with George W. BushFRAUD and Hillary.
Adam Schiff and CIA stooge, the mentally ill lesbian Hillary Clinton, have now been fingered in video photographs engaging in Satanic child sex rituals at the Standard Hotel in Beverly Hills, California.
McConnell has been fingered, along with current Vice pResident Michael Pence, in a massive child sex trafficking operation tied to the CIA with command and control being CIA operative Robert Connolly.
In closing, at this hour, the alleged 2nd whistleblower is another fraud and psy op tied to none other than closet pedophile Chuck Todd, CIA asset Lawrence O’Donnell and Hillary Clinton puppet CIA lesbian neocon Nazi Rachel Maddow, all of MSNBC.
We can now report that United States President Albert Gore Jr. has ordered the CBS News military division to take over the entire U.S. media within 48 hours!
Also tied to this 2nd whistleblower is Israeli Mossad agent Chris Wallace of Fox News.
All of these CIA Mockingbird mouthpieces face immediate arrest, shipment to Gitmo Bay, U.S. Military Tribunal trials and, upon conviction U.S. Military Tribunal execution.
Former alleged pResident Barack Hussein Obama SoetoroFRAUD continues to cooperate with the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia in the matters dealing with ex-CIA Director Bush-Scherff puppet John Brennan.
The little HIGH treason traitor punk Brennan has now been fingered for using the CIA front company CrowdStrike to remove hundreds of CIA puppet Hillary Clinton treasonous emails, including her direct conversations with none other than junior George W. BushFRAUD, Iraq War co-conspirator former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former BushFRAUD Iraq War advisor Victoria Nuland.
Message to punk Brennan: My dad was awarded the Silver Star for his heroic service on Normandy Beach in WWII. His high school classmate was killed next to him.
Brennan you are HIGH TREASON CIA Bush-Scherff Nazi traitor of the highest order. You will now face U.S. Military Tribunal justice along with the aforementioned individuals. You will not be transferred to Gitmo Bay. You will get a free ticket, along with junior George W. BushFRAUD, to President Al Gore’s backyard. President Gore will attend to BushFRAUD, and, yes, Brennan, I will attend to you.
CrowdStrike was also used to set up an espionage front in the nation of Ukraine to spy on the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign and his advisor Carter Page as well as Hillary’s opponents in the Democratic Party and now inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr.
We can also report retired General Michael Flynn has supplied even more new evidence to the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia.
CrowdStrike was also used to interface and disguise with the nation of Ukraine that the DNC server was actually hacked by European INTERPOL as part of a criminal investigation of Hillary, Nuland and Vice President Joseph Biden.
Trump-DRUMPF has been de-certified and
U.S. President Gore has been inaugurated by the
U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia
in June of this year and reaffirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court
as the duly elected inaugurated President of the United States
This all dovetails back to the continuing European INTERPOL investigation of the Bush-Clinton-CIA Crime Cartel dating back to then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and the French President Francois Mitterrand attempt to arrest Marc Rich (Bush-CIA bagman) in 1993, which triggered the murder of Vince Foster, illegal kidnapping of Ambassador Leo Wanta and the THEFT of TRILLIONS in U.S. Treasury funds vis a vis the Chelsea Jefferson Children’s Defense Fund, Delmar Timber Trust CIA proprietary accounts.
Obama continues to cooperate as he and his alleged ‘wife’ Michelle aka Michael are now filing for divorce over a dispute involving $150 million that relates to an illegal commission received on the THEFT of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds instigated by Wells Fargo Bank and former U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).
Obama is also upset that his ‘wife’ Michael continues a torrid homosexual affair with none other than election stealer, nation wrecker, Constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, child sex trafficker, AWOL, war criminal junior George W. BushFRAUD aka ‘jesus’.
Finally, similar to crooked Joseph Biden-Mitt Romney ties to Burisma gas company in the Ukraine, so also Nancy Pelosi’s son tied to an energy company doing business in the Ukraine.
At this hour, United States President Albert Gore Jr.’s well-armed U.S. Military Tennessee and Virginia armored divisions are about to enter Washington D.C. to restore our Constitution and bring an end to this 21st century nightmare, which began in November of 2000 with the Bush P2-CIA electoral coup d’état.
Vice President Al Gore's speech at the 2000 Democratic National Convention
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Faces Final Decapitation
50 Reasons You Despised George W. Bush's Presidency: A Reminder on the Day of His Presidential Library Dedication
He's one of the worst presidents ever.
By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet
April 24, 2013
American Patriot Leo Wanta
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
POTUS 202 Trump Authorizes $4.5 Trillion Payment to Leo Wanta Intel.htm
At this hour I am being threatened and censored by 'Deep State' trolls.
Donations needed and deeply appreciated
Tom Heneghan
14806 Delano Street, Apt 5
Van Nuys CA 91411
Stay tuned for explosive breaking intelligence updates.
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